Jenilee 3 Year Anniversary


We would like to recognize Jenilee for 3 years of dedication! She always has a sunny outlook, loves to be helpful and has a can do attitude. She has grown so much in the billboard business. During her first year of work she struggled and almost left. The print business can be demanding. Jenilee is…

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Get to work! Hustle!

Rebecca at

There is not a day to waste during this slow down! -Have a business plan to survive and thrive! If you do not have one make one! -It’s time to lead. Center yourself and stay healthy so you can feel more capable of having the responsibility of leading others. Let your employees know your plan. -Everyone…

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#PreBuyLocal Campaign

Buy Local

We recently were emailed an article about prebuying local. Kind of intrigued me so I read on. “Simply put, it gets cash into the hands of owners you believe in today, in the hopes they will be here tomorrow. Think of local restaurants, physical trainers or massage therapists.” Fresh Books Founder & CEO. We were…

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Positively Contagious Campaign

Laughing is Contagious 2

Most of our worlds have dramatically changed within the last two weeks. However…let this not be our new normal. What is more contagious than the Corona Virus is hope. Welcome to our “Positively Contagious Campaign”! The images are perfectly sized for a 14’x48′ digital sign. Digital can play such an important role here! Spread positive…

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Social Media vs. Large Format Printing

Social Media vs. Large Format Printing

Social Media seems to be continually increasing as a means of advertisement. However, Large Format Printing has never seen a greater day. Most people look to compare these two sources of advertising; but if you are wanting a successful campaign, you should use BOTH advertising methods. Not only does this create brand awareness but also…

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What is Webbing and When to Use It


Mesh and vinyl banners can serve for indoor and outdoor purposes hanging on almost any substrate with proper installation. Banners in tougher environments (i.e. high winds) need some extra reinforcement around the grommets and that is exactly what webbing is there to do. When using webbing, your hem is made up of the 1/8 inch…

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New Creative Means New Customers

Yes, it is true your vinyl can last as long as 3 years but should you leave it up that long? Why not, right? Wrong! Why would you pay for a billboard space and not get the most out of it you can! Get a greater ROI from your billboard by changing out your vinyl…

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Wild Ride – Business Girl Learning Lessons

Wild Ride - rent a billboard

12-4-2019 What a wild ride! I am in my 12th year of business and so far it has been a blessing. Remember no matter how many years you are in business… are not that important.  What is important is only your positive impact on society and your good works. Now that I got that out…

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Our Story: A Billboard Girl is Born

Every young person is told that they need to find a good job. And in my mind that job was in a skyscraper in the city. I always believed I need to have an office on the top floor over-looking the city and working for someone else. I had no idea what I was suppose…

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Billboards Etc New & Improved

Over the last 12 years our website has continuously evolved. Billboards Etc has been working for the last year on bettering our website to improve functionality and ordering ease. We have officially launched our new site December 1st, 2019. Some new items to look for: A cleaner look with easier navigation Separation of products to offer…

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